What exactly does a solar pool heater do?
A solar pool heater warms the water from your pool using natural heat from the sun and then returns it to the pool after it has reached the appropriate temperature.
What material are the panels composed of?
EJ Solar Pools’ solar pool heating systems are made of hard and soft high-grade polymers. The rigid pool heating system employs hard materials, whereas the strip panel pool heating system employs flexible materials.
What do I need to set up a solar pool heating system?
When you buy a solar pool heating system from EJ Solar Pools, you get an installation kit that includes everything you need to put the panels together. Our experts will also gladly answer any queries you may have about the installation procedure.
How much heat can I expect from EJ Solar Pool’s heating system?
A correctly sized system may raise the temperature of your pool by up to 15°F. You can get additional information from our staff.
Why would I want to use a solar heating system in my swimming pool?
Once you’ve invested in a pool, you will get the most fun out of it. If your pool is freezing for several months in a year, you are not getting the full value of your purchase. Heating your swimming pool with a solar heater may double your swimming period and increase the value of your house significantly.
How effective is solar energy in heating a pool?
On days when it is warm enough to lounge poolside but not warm enough to dive, solar radiation will warm your pool to the ideal temperature for diving, allowing you to jump straight in. After all, a correctly built solar pool heating system will warm your pool just as well as an oil and coal heater.
What is the difference between solar pool heating and heat pumps?
Installing a solar pool heater is typically comparable to installing an electric heating system. However, while the yearly cost of energy to power a heat pump may be just half that of fossil fuels, a solar pool heater has no running expenditures. Solar pool heating is also considerably more ecologically friendly.